Print "a"
Print "a"
Print "a"
Print view.Toplevelentrycount
Print view.Toplevelentrycount
Print view.Toplevelentrycount
你也许会问,即使这有些不正常,也没什么妨碍,反复输出有什么意义呢?原因例如以下。在client应用程序中。这些对Print的调用都是为了在程序执行时给用户(不论是普通用户还是开发人员人员)信息和反馈。Print反复的静态信息的用例会出如今报告事件和处理进度时,比如在批量审批流程、处理附件、查找特定记录等等时,能够在发生或处理完一个事件后,调用这样的语句:Print"A purchase workflow is reviewed.",Print "A XXX record is found."。以上情况还能够通过在输出的信息中加入序列号来解决。
只是我印象中Firefox的Firebug插件的控制台也曾有同样行为,用console.log()方法输出反复信息时。仅仅会显示一条。后来有了改进,在输出信息的左边会在括号中标注反复输出的次数,比如(5)Show me again.
Public Function PrintMsg(msg As Variant) Dim strTime As String strTime=Format(Now, "hh:mm:ss") Dim hs As Long hs=Timer Mod 100 strTime=strTime & ":" & hs Print(strTime & " - " & msg) End Function
call PrintMsg(view.Toplevelentrycount) Call CreateDoc(db) call PrintMsg(view.Toplevelentrycount)LotusScript里的时间仅仅精确到百分之中的一个秒,是由于Notes和Domino是跨平台的,不同操作系统支持的时间精度不等,但最少都在十毫秒数量级。
以下是网上曾有人对不同系统的測试结果 (http://searchdomino.techtarget.com/tip/Accurate-LotusScript-timing-technique):
Ticks per second:
Win2000 Domino 6.0 (ticks per second1000)
Win2000 Domino 5.0.9a (ticks per second1000)
AIX 4.3.3 ML 9 with Domino 5.0.11 (ticks per second = 1,000,000)
Solaris 8 with Domino 5.0.11 (ticks per second = 1,000,000)
SuSE Linux 8.1 with Domino 6.0.1 (ticks per second 1000)
SunOS 5.8 Generic_108528-18 with Domino Release 6.0.1; (ticks per second 1000)
dim tick1 as Long, tick2 as Long, tps as Longtps=GetThreadInfo(7)tick1=GetThreadInfo(6)'do somethingtick2=GetThreadInfo(6)dim dif as Long 'The difference of the part of milliseconds dif=((tick2-tick1) Mod tps)/tps*1000
可是由于clock tick表示的是系统时钟自开机以来的时钟周期数。并不能由它直接确定当前时间,所以不能用在我们上面的函数以获得更高的时间精度。
Private printNum As Integer 'Used for distinguish printing same contents Public Function PrintMsg(msg As Variant) Dim strTime As String strTime=Format(Now, "hh:mm:ss") Dim hs As Long hs=Timer Mod 100 strTime=strTime & ":" & hs printNum=printNum+1 Print("[" & printNum & "]" & strTime & " - " & msg) End Function
[1]16:52:36:24 – 81
[2]16:52:36:24 - 81
[3]16:52:36:24 - 81
Class Log4Dom public logLevel As Integer public module As String 'module 'the Log Destination, set as a variant then depending on the log type, 'set as either a LogDB, logNotesFile, logStatus or logPrompt Private logFile As Variant Private s As NotesSession Private db As NotesDatabase 'current database Private profile As NotesDocument 'Log4Dom profile document public logName As String 'log name from the profile Private printNum As Integer 'Used for distinguish printing same contents Sub New () Set s=New NotesSession logLevel = LEVEL_DEBUG End Sub %REM Add a log destination. As the de facto only used log destination is Notes DB, I didn't handle the case of multiple log destinations of different types. %END REM Public Function AddLogFile(file As Variant) Set logFile = file If TypeName(file)="LOGDB" then 'read parameter from Log4Dom profile by starrow Set db=s.CurrentDatabase Set profile=db.GetProfileDocument("Log4DomProfile") If Not profile Is Nothing Then If profile.GetItemValue("LogLevel")(0)><"" then logLevel=profile.GetItemValue("LogLevel")(0) End if logName=profile.GetItemValue("LogName")(0) End If 'if no parameter provided, try the agent name If logName="" Then If Not s.CurrentAgent Is Nothing Then logName=s.CurrentAgent.Name End If End If logFile.LogName=logName End if End Function 'logging at the different levels, INFO, WARN etc Public Function Info(message As String) As Integer Info = WriteLog(LEVEL_INFO, message) End Function Public Function Warn(message As String) As Integer Warn = WriteLog(LEVEL_WARN, message) End Function Public Function Debug(message As String) As Integer Debug = WriteLog(LEVEL_DEBUG, message) End Function 'Can't use error as the function name because it's a reserved word. 'If used for logging a runtime error, leave the argument as an empty string. Public Function LogError(message As String) As Integer If message="" Then 'Generate the message for a runtime error. 'The GetThreadInfo(LSI_THREAD_CALLPROC) must be called here instead of 'calling an universal function to get the error message because that would 'always return LogError as the function raising the error. 'LSI_THREAD_CALLMODULE=11, LSI_THREAD_CALLPROC=10 message = GetThreadInfo(11) & ">" & GetThreadInfo(10) & ": " & _ "Error(" & Err() & "): " & Error() & " at line "& Erl() End If LogError = WriteLog(LEVEL_ERROR, message) End Function Public Function Fatal(message As String) As Integer Fatal = WriteLog(LEVEL_FATAL, message) End Function 'user level logging, for specific level logging '@param level integer - the level 10 is the most detail, 1 the lowest level 'message - a string to be logged. Number, boolean and date values would be 'automatically converted to strings by LotusScript. Other types should be manually converted. Public Function WriteLog(level As Integer, message As String) As Integer Dim theDate As String Dim theLevel As String Dim theMessage As String theDate = Cstr(Now) theLevel = "["+GetLevelString(level)+"] " theMessage = theDate+" "+theLevel+" "+module+" - "+message ' check that logging is turned on for this level ' otherwise there is no need to log If level <= logLevel Then Call logFile.writelog(theMessage) End If End Function 'closes the log, saves notes doc or closes file Public Function Close logFile.close End Function 'convert from level numbers into string Private Function GetLevelString(level As Integer) As String Select Case level Case LEVEL_INFO : GetLevelString = LEVEL_INFO_STRING Case LEVEL_DEBUG : GetLevelString = LEVEL_DEBUG_STRING Case LEVEL_WARN : GetLevelString = LEVEL_WARN_STRING Case LEVEL_ERROR : GetLevelString = LEVEL_ERROR_STRING Case LEVEL_FATAL : GetLevelString = LEVEL_FATAL_STRING Case Else : GetLevelString = "LEVEL "+Cstr(level) End Select End Function %REM If the argument is the same, multiple calls to Print are executed only once. This function appends the current time before the message to be printed. The time is rounded to the nearest hundredth of second. However, for some circumstances, this is still not enough to avoid the same content to be printed. Thus, a serial number is appended. %END REM Public Function PrintMsg(msg As Variant) Dim strTime As String strTime=Format(Now, "hh:mm:ss") Dim hs As Long hs=Timer Mod 100 strTime=strTime & ":" & hs printNum=printNum+1 Print("[" & printNum & "]" & strTime & " - " & msg) End FunctionEnd Class'Get a logger instance that writes to the specified db.Public Function GetLogger(db As NotesDatabase) As log4Dom Dim logger As log4dom Set logger = New log4dom() Dim logFile As New LogDB(db) Call logger.AddLogFile(logFile) Set GetLogger=loggerEnd FunctionDim logger As Log4DomSet logger=GetLogger(Nothing)call logger.PrintMsg(81)call logger.PrintMsg(81)call logger.PrintMsg(81)